In astrology, the transpersonal planets are the furthest from the solar system. It is our Sun, when it is most illuminated, that, with its rays, illuminates them in our consciousness.
That is why it is so important to be oneself to discover much more about oneself. And why be oneself?
Without going into divine paths or soul development, self-awareness serves directly for our experience on earth. The more authentic we are, the more fulfilling the vital experience will be. Ergo, the happier we are.
The transpersonal planets connect us all and everything. We could say that Uranus connects us with the Akashic records, Neptune with other realities, and Pluto with the portals that lead us to those other realities.
Translated into everyday terms, Uranus sends the information we receive in the form of intuition, Neptune integrates it by expanding our emotional information, and as a result, awakening compassion, and Pluto purges what remains outdated.
In addition to traditional interpretations, a peculiarity of having transpersonal planets connected to our personal planets is that the energetic avenues that form between them speak to us of how easy or challenging it is to feel comfortable within our own generation.
We could say that sextiles and trines, aspects of 60 and 120 degrees respectively, speak of collective forces that empower certain personal aspects. When it comes to squares or oppositions, planets forming angles of 90 and 180 degrees, there we feel a little less integrated into our generational reality, thus creating contrasting differences and, therefore, a more accentuated process of individuation.
The transpersonal planets tell us that there is a part of us that is "transpersonal."
From a Jungian perspective, the term "transpersonal" refers to experiences, processes, or aspects of the psyche that go beyond the individual ego and connect with broader dimensions of reality. These dimensions may include spiritual, transcendent, or collective aspects of consciousness.
In the Jungian context, the transpersonal is associated with the idea that the human psyche is not simply limited to conscious mind and ego, but also encompasses deeper and broader layers of human experience. This can manifest in experiences such as connection with the collective unconscious, the experience of universal archetypes, or the search for transcendent meaning in life.
From this perspective, the transpersonal can include mystical, religious, or spiritual experiences, as well as moments of deep intuition or connection with nature. These experiences are seen as integral to the process of individuation, which is the process of personal development and integration of all parts of the psyche into a more complete and balanced whole.
And we all have Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto as part of our being. So celebrate your being and discover your own genius!