Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st
The mysteries of this Full Moon and how you experience it based on your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant sign.
This week, the night sky lights up with the arrival of the second Full Moon in Capricorn. The first Full Moon in this sign occurred on June 21st at 1 degree 7’. This July 21st, we have the second Full Moon in Capricorn at 29 degrees 9’.
What mysteries does this second Full Moon speak of?
The 29th degree, known as the 'critical degree' in astrology, symbolizes the closure of cycles, the peak point of an energy that has been building up. When a Full Moon falls on this degree, especially in a sign as ambitious and structured as Capricorn, it invites us to confront the final challenges of a cycle before moving on to a new one. This Full Moon not only illuminates our goals and ambitions, but also urges us to finish projects, resolve pending issues, and close important chapters of our lives that are no longer relevant.
This Full Moon also forms a conjunction with retrograde Pluto, which is in Aquarius at 0 degrees 54’. The Full Moon in Capricorn in conjunction with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius marks a powerful moment of introspection and potential transformation.
With the Full Moon, we speak of emotional attachments, memories, or subjective perceptions. In Capricorn, these attachments or subjectivities stem from the need for structure, continuity, personal achievement, and especially, our place in the status quo.
The Full Moon emphasizes emotional needs over authenticity, and in Capricorn, it highlights the need to be responsible, serious, and focused on our sense of duty over affection, sentimentality, and domesticity.
Pluto in retrograde Aquarius witnesses all of this, and its transformative power can be felt in two different ways:
As an opportunity to eliminate responsibilities from our lives that are not truly constructive.
As a strong desire for control and emotional suppression that triggers deep internal changes and conflicts.
The Full Moon in Capricorn, in conjunction with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, offers us a powerful opportunity to reassess our emotional structures and responsibilities. It is a time to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace transformation, balancing our sense of duty with our emotional needs. Through introspection and the courage to change, we can move towards a more authentic and fulfilling life.
Symbolically, the light of the Full Moon casts shadows in the night. For diurnal beings like us, the Full Moon can awaken irrational fears and intense emotions.
The Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates emotional aspects related to structure, security, and status. Under the light of the Full Moon, these aspects can seem more threatening than they actually are. When Pluto, a planet that governs the hidden and transformational, is in conjunction with this Moon, it can distort these shadows further, amplifying irrational fears and deep anxieties stemming from our psychological roots.
The Full Moon emphasizes our emotional needs and subjective perceptions. In Capricorn, this can relate to the need for control, stability, and recognition. The influence of retrograde Pluto can make us perceive threats to these needs more acutely, creating a sense of urgency or crisis, even if the threats are not as serious as they may seem.
Although these shadows may be distorted and appear more monstrous, they also have the potential to lead us to profound transformation. Pluto challenges us to confront our deepest fears and release destructive patterns. This process can be painful, but it is also an opportunity for regeneration and emerging stronger and more authentic.
The energy of retrograde Pluto invites us to deep introspection. It asks us to examine our emotional roots and the origins of our fears. Through this process, we can discover aspects of ourselves that need healing and transformation, allowing us to move forward with greater clarity and purpose.
At the same time, this Full Moon in Capricorn in conjunction with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius receives a trine from Mars, newly entered into Gemini.
The key to not falling into irrational fears is to ASK QUESTIONS and GET INFORMED.
Mars in Gemini brings a dynamic, curious, and communicative energy. Its trine with Pluto in Aquarius facilitates action directed towards transformation. This configuration can help channel the fears and anxieties stirred by the Full Moon in Capricorn constructively, allowing conscious action to promote regeneration and positive change.
Gemini is an air sign associated with communication, intellect, and adaptability. Mars' influence in Gemini can help us talk about our fears and process our emotions through dialogue and mental reflection. This aspect can provide the clarity needed to confront the shadows illuminated by the Full Moon and Pluto.
The trine facilitates conflict resolution and the removal of obstacles. Mars in Gemini offers the ability to address issues quickly and efficiently, while Pluto in Aquarius provides the depth and intuition needed to understand the root of problems and transform them.
Example of Personal Interpretation
To put this in a personal context, imagine someone dealing with the fear of losing their job (a Capricorn-related concern about structure and security). The Full Moon illuminates this fear, making it seem larger and more terrifying. However, the trine between Mars in Gemini and retrograde Pluto offers a way to address this fear proactively:
Action: They decide to update their resume and start looking for new job opportunities, using Mars' active energy.
Communication: They talk to colleagues and friends to gather information about potential jobs, utilizing Gemini's communicative skills.
Transformation: They reflect on what they truly want in their career, leveraging Pluto's depth to consider a possible professional realignment towards something they are more passionate about.
In conclusion, the trine between Mars in Gemini and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius in the context of the Full Moon in Capricorn provides a powerful push towards action, communication, and transformation. It equips us with the tools to confront our fears and anxieties, guiding us towards innovative and constructive solutions.
EMO Horoscope for the Week of the Full Moon in Capricorn (July 21, 2024)
Like all transits, the Full Moon is something that happens in our current reality without necessarily directly affecting us. Of course, those with planets and angles in the last or first degrees of a sign (especially in the final degrees of Capricorn and/or Cancer — the 'epicenter' of the transit) may feel these energies more strongly. For Taurus and Virgo, it's an energetic force that can bring great emotional comfort. The same goes for Scorpio and Pisces, albeit to a lesser extent. For Libra and Aries, this transit may contradict their personal plans.
Let's now see how it affects each of the signs (Sun, Moon, or Ascendant) — analysis included in the paid membership.