How to Survive Pluto in Aquarius
A guide to Pluto in the houses, Pluto in Aquarius and tips to go through this transit full of surprises and innovative power.
Pluto re-enters Aquarius on January 20th - after its retrogradation. This transit begins with strength. Pluto and the Sun form two consecutive conjunctions, the first at the end of Capricorn and the second at 0 degrees of Aquarius.
This transit can be seen as a process of individuation on a grand scale, where the collective society, just like the individual, is going through a shadow phase before reaching a new level of awareness. The shadow in this context is represented by Pluto in Capricorn, where the flaws, corruptions, and limitations of the current structures are brought to light. The entry into Aquarius, on the other hand, symbolizes the integration of this shadow, leading to a greater understanding and acceptance of revolutionary and progressive concepts.
This transit can also be seen as a call to personal and collective transformation, where Aquarian values such as equality, innovation, and fraternity become the guide for social and spiritual evolution. We might interpret this transit as the awakening of the collective 'Self', a movement towards a deeper understanding and connection with the collective unconscious.
In this new video, we explore Pluto's transit in Aquarius on a more personal level. I hope this approach helps you understand and navigate the process of transformation that Pluto brings with it – from your own perspective.
You can also download the Pluto’s Guide which can assist you in interpreting this transit.