Interpreting the Conjunctions
Astrological Aspects #1: Close encounters of the astrological type.
Starting with this mini-course of Astrology for the Everyday Mystic, we will be discovering how to interpret astrological aspects in the natal chart.
Within the natal chart, each aspect formed between planets and/or other astrological points is part of a whole that, collectively, creates a constant balance shaping our life experience. It is important not to take aspects separately, as they all contribute to the harmony of the whole.
When studying an aspect, such as a conjunction for example, while the aspect has defined characteristics, its interpretation should take into account the entirety of the chart. The same applies to squares, oppositions, trines, sextiles, and other aspects in the natal chart.
Interpreting the chart, then, is like discovering a tapestry that tells a particular story: ours.
Interpreting Conjunctions
Conjunctions between Personal Planets
Conjunctions between Personal and Social Planets
Conjunctions between Personal and Transpersonal Planets
Conjunctions of Personal Planets with Chiron
Conjunctions of Personal Planets with Lilith
Conjunctions of Personal Planets with the Moon's Nodes
Conjunctions between Social and/or Transpersonal Planets