January 2025 Planetary Transits Calendar
Our Relationship with the Present in the first month of the year.
The Present as a Companion
Every planetary transit in the sky reveals a specific energy that permeates the "present." We could imagine this present as a person, a companion who speaks to us, challenges us, and inspires us. Observing the skies in January, we encounter a present filled with change, introspection, and a call to adapt to the flow of life. Through this perspective, we will explore how these energies invite us to relate to what is, here and now.
The month begins with the structuring energy of the New Moon in Capricorn on December 30, which urges us to plant seeds of responsibility, ambition, and tangible goals. Throughout this time, a broader context shapes the present: Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus (turning direct on January 30), and Pluto in Aquarius. From there, the present takes on diverse forms, some introspective, others expansive. Let us accompany the present in its evolution.
Calendar and Reflections on January’s Transits