In the vast and enigmatic Middle Ages, two parallel worlds intersected: medieval astrology and the mysterious order of the Knights Templar. Although these two historical elements seem divergent, both exerted a powerful influence on the psyche of the time.
Medieval astrology, with its studies of the stars and planets, became a window into understanding destiny and spirituality. On the other hand, the Templars, famous for their bravery in battle and their enigmatic secrets, became living legends of medieval history. Join me on a journey through time as we delve into medieval astrology and unravel the mysteries of the Knights Templar, two intriguing aspects of a forgotten era, because… why not?
medieval astrology is a specific branch of astrology that developed and was practiced during the Middle Ages, roughly between the 5th and 15th centuries. This form of astrology incorporates many of the astrological traditions from antiquity and also includes influences from medieval philosophy and Christian theology. Here are some distinctive features of medieval astrology:
Heliocentric Astrology: Throughout the Middle Ages, heliocentric astrology, which places the Sun at the center of the solar system, gradually replaced the geocentric astrology that predominated in antiquity. This allowed for a more accurate understanding of planetary movements and astrological relationships.
Christian Astrology: In medieval astrology, the influence of the Catholic Church was significant. Medieval astrologers often had to adapt their astrological practices to be compatible with Christian theology. Astrology was used to understand God's will and divine purposes.
Emphasis on Medicine: Medieval astrology also had a strong focus on medicine. Medieval astrologers believed that the planets had an influence on people's health and well-being, and astrological approaches were used for healing and medical diagnosis.
Judicial Astrology: Judicial astrology, which involved issuing judgments and predictions based on the positions of the planets at the time of birth, was an important part of medieval astrology. These judgments were used to make decisions in political, medical, and personal matters.
Use in Agriculture and Farming: Astrology was also applied in agriculture and farming, helping to determine the right timing for planting and harvesting crops, as well as for animal husbandry.
Development of Horary Astrology: During the Middle Ages, horary astrology, a branch of astrology that focuses on interpreting specific events and questions through astrological chart reading, was developed. This technique has persisted in practice to the present day.
The Legacy of Medieval Astrology: While medieval astrology faded with the Renaissance and the advent of modern astrology, it left an important legacy in the history of astrology and in the understanding of astrological influences on medieval culture and society.
The Knights Templar
The Knights Templar, whose full name was the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, were an enigmatic military and religious order that emerged during the Middle Ages. With their distinctive red cross on their white mantles, the Templars became one of the most powerful and mysterious organizations of their time. Their history is woven with intrigue, religious devotion, and the pursuit of hidden knowledge. Join us on a journey to uncover the secrets and fascinating history of the Knights Templar, an order that left a profound mark on history and culture.