Concept of the Lunar Nodes
The lunar nodes are astrological points that represent portals of emotional information from past lives (South Node) and future lives (North Node) relevant to our present life. They facilitate our evolution as human beings by creating an emotional duality within us, allowing us to become aware of it and evolve, as our reality is based on duality.
South Node
The South Node connects with memories of past lives, providing a solid foundation and innate skills. These memories are related to the search for truth, the expansion of knowledge, and the exploration of new philosophies. They offer security and a comfort zone, where we feel more at ease due to familiarity and accumulated experience.
North Node
The North Node connects with memories of future lives, challenging us to evolve and expand. This node allows us a quantum leap in spiritual growth by integrating qualities and experiences that we have not yet fully developed in this life. Although these qualities are already present within us, they are difficult to implement due to the lack of experience, often creating conflicts and/or implementation errors.
The Function of the Moon
The Moon, representing our emotions and inner world, regulates the interactions between the South Node and the North Node, keeping us in the present. Through the Moon, we experience and process the influences of both nodes, helping us become aware of the emotional duality and evolve.
Dynamic Integration of the Nodes
The integration of the lunar nodes is a dynamic process in which both nodes play fundamental roles. The South Node offers the base and coherence necessary to explore and leverage the knowledge of the North Node. The integration of the North Node's information can generate confusion and chaos due to its unknown nature, but it is essential for our spiritual growth.
Principles of Hermes Trismegistus and Duality
Principle of Polarity
The principle of polarity, one of the hermetic principles of Hermes Trismegistus, states that everything has its pair of opposites, that opposites are identical in nature but different in degree. This applies to the lunar nodes, where the South Node and the North Node represent opposite but complementary poles of our emotional experience. Polarity allows us to become aware of our emotional duality, facilitating integration and internal balance.
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites: like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
Principle of Gender
The principle of gender in hermetic philosophy holds that gender manifests on all planes of existence: physical, mental, and spiritual. This principle can be applied to the Moon and its influence on the nodes, integrating qualities of both genders within us to balance energies and raise awareness of emotional duality.
“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”
Simultaneous Time
The concept of simultaneous time suggests that everything happens at the same time (past, present, and future coexisting). This concept, supported by physicists and philosophers such as Albert Einstein, Hermann Minkowski, Kurt Gödel, and Carlo Rovelli, supports the idea that memories of the past and future are present and accessible in our current life, facilitating our evolution.
Awareness of Unconscious Duality
The lunar nodes create an emotional duality within us, allowing us to become aware of it and evolve. By becoming aware of this duality, we can integrate the experiences and qualities of both nodes, promoting internal balance and harmony. This process of awareness is crucial for our personal and spiritual development, helping us transcend duality and live in a more integrated and conscious way.
Summary of the Theory
The Moon: Represents our emotions and inner world. It regulates the interactions between the South Node and the North Node, keeping us in the present.
Lunar Nodes: Function as portals of emotional information from past lives (South Node) and future lives (North Node) relevant to our present life and facilitating our evolution as human beings.
South Node: Connects with past life memories related to the search for truth, the expansion of knowledge, and the exploration of new philosophies, providing security and innate abilities.
North Node: Connects with future life memories, challenging us to evolve and expand, allowing for a quantum leap in spiritual growth. These qualities are already present within us, but they are difficult to implement due to the lack of experience, often creating conflicts and/or implementation errors.
Principle of Polarity: The polarity created by the lunar nodes allows us to become aware of our emotional duality, promoting integration and internal balance.
Simultaneous Time: Everything happens at the same time (past, present, and future coexisting). This concept is supported by physicists and philosophers such as Albert Einstein, Hermann Minkowski, Kurt Gödel, and Carlo Rovelli.
Awareness of Unconscious Duality: The nodes create an emotional duality within us, allowing us to become aware of it and evolve, promoting internal balance and harmony.