Oppositions in the Natal Chart
Astrological Aspects #3: Push and Pull. Exploring Duality.
In this lesson:
Oppositions as Mirrors of Consciousness
Learning Through Oppositions
Oppositions to Each Planet
Identifying Oppositions in External Reality
The Internal Reality as a Reflection of the External Reality
Living the Oppositions
Oppositions, just like squares, are fundamental astrological aspects that play a crucial role in the interpretation of astrological charts, yet with their own dynamics and lessons. While squares represent a 90-degree angle symbolizing conflicts and challenges, oppositions are formed when two planets are 180 degrees apart, exactly on opposite sides of the zodiac.
This planetary configuration reflects polarities, tensions of push and pull, and often manifests situations in which we face the need to integrate seemingly contradictory forces. Oppositions invite us to seek balance and harmonization between extremes, offering an opportunity for growth and the expansion of our consciousness through the understanding and acceptance of duality.