I have already talked previously about the transit of Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years. However, I realize that I have not yet addressed a crucial point, which also applies to those who have Pluto in the 11th House, whether in their natal chart or in transit.
In a natal chart, Pluto, the planet of transformation, indicates the areas of life and qualities that are undergoing a profound process of change in our personal experience. The ongoing struggle between holding onto the familiar and surrendering to the unknown is a challenge we face daily, demanding considerable courage to navigate gracefully. This is why compulsive control patterns can emerge wherever Pluto is located. When Pluto is in Aquarius, we encounter a cerebral Pluto, transmuting in an unorthodox, innovative, and conceptual manner.
Pluto re-enters Aquarius for the last time on November 19, 2024, and will remain there for 20 years. The passage of Pluto through Aquarius transforms the way we approach progress, but it also triggers significant resistance to change! The degree of resistance depends on our ability to shed outdated concepts and ideologies.
With Pluto in Aquarius, we have the opportunity to unveil what lies beneath the surface of ideas. This revelation can come from our own investigative efforts or when we're left with no other option.
Pluto in Aquarius also guides us to uncover the ancestral forces that drive us to become part of a group. We may find ourselves striving to be included and accepted as part of a social cause. Or, we may be compelled to do so, caught in ideologies that seek not to perish.
The truth is, Pluto in Aquarius is as complex as in any other sign. However, in Aquarius, we encounter the unexpected, the different, the surprising. Pluto will trigger transformation processes that cannot be foreseen! The best way to navigate this period of social change is by drawing support from Leo, the sign opposite to Aquarius.
Leo brings the creative spark that ignites Aquarius' imagination. Leo inspires Aquarius to shape its revolutionary ideas with passion and charisma. Meanwhile, Aquarius offers Leo a fresh perspective and a reminder that leadership often entails leading for the benefit of all, not just for personal reasons.
This polarity also teaches us about the balance between individuality and community. Leo learns to share the stage and lead with generosity, while Aquarius realizes that its revolutionary vision can sometimes benefit from a personal and creative touch.
Ultimately, the relationship between Leo and Aquarius reminds us that personal and social evolution occurs when the unique brilliance of the individual meets the quest for a better world for all. They are two pieces of a cosmic puzzle that come together to create a brighter and more equitable future.
If there is an imbalance between the energies of Leo and Aquarius, it is highly possible that when society is pressured to prioritize the group over the individual, those who can express themselves freely and creatively may be viewed as the 'enemy.'
On a mundane level, this can be observed in the formation of group ideologies that seek to control individual creativity. The truth is that, just as Pluto in Capricorn has revealed the darkness within traditional institutions, in Aquarius, it unveils the shadow of dogmas.
PS: You can observe this phenomenon in your own birth chart. Examine where Leo and Aquarius are placed in your chart, as this is where the individual tensions between personal expression and group harmony will originate.
In this Universal Wisdom Explored video, we delve into the formation of secret societies (which can become particularly influential during Pluto's transit through Aquarius) and offer advice on how to avoid joining the wrong secret society if you ever feel tempted to do so.
Until next time!