Are you sleepy? Do you feel a little melancholy? When you have personal planets in the last degrees of Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, or Leo, the heaviness that you have felt in these previous months is coming to an end... although there are still a few days left to see the results of the personal work that we have done so far.
The god of Time, the creator of realities, the one who slows down each frame of life so that we can see its structure, has entered the sign where forms do not exist.
Saturn guides us through the mist, teaches us the discipline of patience, forces us to confront our shadows, and shows us the light at the end of the tunnel. So do not fear Saturn in Pisces, but embrace its wisdom and learn from it, because in it you will find the path to your spiritual reality, and thus, conceiving the forms of what until now was invisible, you will find where to start.
For everybody, Saturn in Pisces is about learning to surrender. Let it be.
Those with personal planets in the early degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, or Virgo begin to feel their personal reality.
If you have personal planets in the first degrees of Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Taurus, you will feel an internal "reorganization" at the level of your personal expression (Sun), emotions (Moon), mental (Mercury), affections (Venus) or impulses (Mars), to a greater or lesser extent.
The Full Moon in Virgo helps us to discern emotionally about those things that need to be improved... what needs attention.
As the beginning of a new stage of karmic lessons, this is a period heavily loaded with tools for self-care.
Questions to ask yourself before going to sleep:
What do I need to improve my quality of life?
What personal behaviors prevent it?
Then let the answers come by themselves. And when they arrive, get down to business!
If you have not seen it, here is the video about Saturn in Pisces For Each Sign.
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