Unlock Your Journey: Weekly Personal Readings by Subscription
A New Personalized Reading Based on Your Birth Chart
Hello everyone!
Exciting news! Starting from June, I'm introducing a new format for weekly personal readings through subscription. Are you wondering which planetary transit of the week is most relevant for you?
Allow me to delve into your birth chart and deliver via email every Monday the most pertinent planetary transit for the upcoming 7 days, tailored specifically to your unique astrological profile.
My readings are based on the energies shaping your current reality. Why do you feel the way you do? What internal processes are you going through? Which areas of your life are being activated?
What comes with the subscription? Subscribers will receive an email every Monday about the most relevant planetary transit of the week. Plus, as a special bonus, you'll receive an exclusive 15% discount code applicable to any of my personalized readings - which I'll send in my welcome email.
My readings are completely personalized and crafted by me.
Subscribe now and starting from the first Monday after your subscription date, receive a detailed written analysis focused on the most significant transit of the upcoming 7 days. And remember, you're in control: you can cancel your subscription at any time with ease.
Note: These readings offer a tailored glimpse into a single transit activating your birth chart, every week. For a broader reading, I recommend an astrological consultation.
Every Monday, a personalized email with the most relevant transit to your birth chart.
15% Discount for any of my astrological readings.
My readings are based on the energetic processes activated according to your birth chart.
Price: 35 euros per month (approx. 40 USD)
Interested? Subscribe here!