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The astrological event that stands out this week is the entry of the Sun into Leo on the same day that Venus turns retrograde in Leo, at 28 degrees 36', a transit that will continue until September 3.
When a planet turns retrograde, we see it retracing its steps, as if it wanted to correct something that previously went unnoticed.
Venus in Leo enjoys self-expression. When Venus is in Leo we become more affectionate, more demonstrative, and more playful. We have access to connect with what respect and dignity mean. Venus in Leo does not ask for love, she expects it.
Venus in Leo cares about how she looks because the image she projects is a reflection of her essence, and not because she thinks she needs "improvement".
And what happens when her energy turns backward?
One of the possibilities is to relive situations in which one has not dignified her/himself as it corresponds. Venus retrograde in Leo is a great opportunity to connect with our sense of dignity.
Another possibility is the emergence of synchronicities that allow us to see closely situations that have something more to give. In this sense, Venus retrograde in Leo scans the past so that we can revalue it and restore its dignity.
In any case, Venus retrograde in Leo leads us to internalize what gives us pleasure. With it, we review the value we give to what makes us feel worthy and thus recover our inner harmony in the spaces where it is lacking.
The Sun enters Leo at the same time that Venus begins its retrogradation (by the way…happy birthday to all you Leos!). This is a very luminous energy. The Sun has returned home and feels very comfortable. It rains creative effluvia for everyone!
Leo shapes spontaneity. Hence, we associate Leo with acting. But this performance is not born from emotional needs, such as wanting to attract attention. It actually arises from the ability to use creativity to represent something that already exists. It is the essential force of Leo’s creativity that attracts attention. And that's how Leo measures its success.
And with the retrogradation of Venus, we see both what is useless and what is useful in this matter that we have not previously perceived. So during this season, we have a great opportunity to redesign our creative consciousness. And this is the energy that will abound for the rest of July and August.
Oh! Do not forget that Leo is generous, warm, and... dramatic!
FUN FACT: Slash, from Guns n Roses has the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Leo in almost the same positions as they are this July 22, when Venus retrograde begins.
What will be the manifestations of this retrograde Venus?
Reconnecting with the inner child. Relearning to play. Recovering creative drive. Feeling comfortable with our “character”.
With the north node in Aries, this season is conducive to daring to be yourself! Don't worry if you find that you seek others' approval more than expressing your true authenticity. It's about realizing how we settle for less in order to be accepted. Only if we see how we really behave is that we can change our attitudes and create a better personal reality.
So, Venus retrograde asks us questions: have you become cynical? when was the last time you looked at the world with the eyes of a child?
Good transit!
Other transits
July 17, 2023, until January 2025: Transit of the North Node in Aries