Planetary transits show us the trends of the moment in which the transit occurs. We could see it as if reality were an energetic soup with specific flavors through which we move through time.
This "energy soup" is what we call present. Reading the planetary transits of the present is like reading the natal chart of an individual. So why not treat the present as such?
Transits from June 12 to 19
Most of the planets are found in the first and second quadrants of the Zodiacal wheel. The planetary traffic from Aquarius to Leo shows a strong focus on individual qualities during these months, which are tested by Saturn, transformed by Pluto, and contained by Neptune.
The energies of this week invite us to focus on ourselves, explore our curiosity, take things in a lighter way, and play more!
Pluto, in its retrograde motion, is in Capricorn again. And Saturn begins its retrograde in Pisces on June 18. The desire for individual self-expression finds us with a reality that begins to review our spiritual seriousness, while the structures and traditions that do not support it continue to fall.
Saturn in Pisces tells us about the possibility of learning about compassion and union with the collective. With Saturn retrograde in Pisces, we can go looking for situations or individuals from the past that have hurt us in some way, to re-integrate those experiences in a more contemplative way.
Pluto in retrograde Capricorn brings to the surface of our consciousness rules and traditions that do not allow us to open up to a new vision.
The North Node and Jupiter in Taurus offer us the possibility of connecting with nature, with the present... Uranus is still in Taurus, awakening inertia with its electricity. Neptune in Pisces continues to dissolve the illusions of the past.
With Lilith, Mars, and Venus in Leo, the joie de vivre ignites our passion. I just heard LuneInnate (on Youtube) say a phrase that seemed beautiful to me: "Ask your inner child what would make him or her happy". This is a great time to give to ourselves what truly makes us happy.
Transits of the week
June 11: Pluto retrograde enters Capricorn Plu Cap Rx
June 11: Mercury enters Gemini Mer 00 Gem 00'
June 17: Saturn retrograde Saturday 7 Pis 13'Rx
Sun in Gemini from 19 to 24 degrees
Venus in Leo from 4 to 10 degrees
Mars in Leo from 11 to 16 degrees
Jupiter in Taurus from 5 to 6 degrees
Uranus at 20 Taurus from 20 to 21 degrees
Neptune in Pisces at 27 degrees
North Node at 3 of Taurus
Chiron at 19 Aries
The EMO Forecast
Yes, the EMO forecast is finally here!
Natal Moon transits are often felt quite clearly because they affect our state of mind, our personal satisfaction, and our emotional security. For this reason, I think that knowing the planetary activations that our Moon receives is something very useful and can help us navigate our lives with emotional awareness.
By affinity and resonance, transits to the Moon can be felt at the time a planet enters a particular astrological sign. However, they are felt quite strongly when the transiting planet is within an orb (the range of influence of the aspect or configuration between two planets) of 0 to 8 degrees with the Moon.
If the transiting planets that aspect the Moon are also connected to the Moon in our birth chart, the activations by transit unleash subjective experiences that allow us to enrich our emotional world. These can be processes of maturation, liberation, beautification, transformation, expansion,... etc.
Transits to the Moon by planets with which it is not connected in the birth chart also indicate emotional movements. The difference is that these do not awaken unconscious emotional patterns, but allow us to feel something different from what we are used to.
Your Natal Moon (All Signs) and this Week's transits
The next part of this weekly forecast is for paid subscribers.