The Squares in the Birth Chart
Astrological Aspects #2: Those angles that usually have a bad reputation.
What is a Square Aspect
Squares as creators of contrasts
Interpreting squares to each planet
Identifying squares in external reality
External reality as a mirror of internal reality
What to do with squares
Continuing with the mini-course on astrological aspects, today we explore squares, those 90-degree angles that are not often favored, but which actually hold unrecognized potential for those seeking peace and tranquility.
Don’t miss Interpreting the Conjunctions (Astrological Aspects #1)
What is a Square Aspect
Squares are astrological aspects that form when two planets or astrological points are separated by a 90-degree angle, equivalent to a quarter of a circle in the zodiac. These configurations generate tensions and challenges that can manifest as internal or external conflicts, urging the individual to confront and resolve differences between areas of their life represented by the planets involved.